1. pat info.
2주전부터 LBP. fall dawn
R/O Fx
내과와 협진
-일 년이상 치료하지 않은 알콜성 간경변
2.Exam info.
- ER
-L Spine MRI
-심한 과호흡 상태에서 검사 시행
-약간의 의사 소통만 가능함
-검사 도중 계속 움직임
-Motion Artipact 심하여 scan time 짧게 조정함.
- post L4-5 laminectomy
- flattening of T10 through L2 bodies with partially fatty bone marrow and some sclerotic change
- herniation of discs T10-11 through T12-L1 discs into adjacent vertebral bodies
- L2-3, L3-4 and L5-S1 diffuse bulging discs and ligamentum flavum thickening with indentation of thecal sac and encroachment on neural foramens
- some CSF effacement of L2-3 and L3-4 thecal sac
- partial to circumferential perineural fat effacement of left L5-S1 neural foramen
- decreased T2 signal intensity of discs with osteophytes
1. old T10 through L2 compression fracture with schmorl's nodes
2. L2-3, L3-4 and L5-S1 diffuse bulging discs
3. mild L2-3 and L3-4 central stenosis
4. moderate stenosis of left L5-S1 neural foramen
5. degenerative spondylosis
상급종합병원[대학병원]으로 이송됨.
연령별 건강 검진 항목은? [국민건강보험공단 건강검진]
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